Website published by:

    SASU Convention on Health Analysis and Management (C.H.A.M.)
    19-21, rue Dumont d’Urville 75116 PARIS
    SASU (simplified joint-stock company) with a share capital of 79 600 €, registered to RCS of PARIS under the number 518 776 521 00065
    Mail : contact [a] canalcham.fr

    Publication Director: Guy Vallancien

    Website Hosted by:

    26 avenue Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin / France

    Objective and quality of content

    The purpose of this website is to inform the general public and professionals about the events organized by C.H.A.M.
    C.H.A.M. strives to provide quality and verified information. If however an information is inaccurate or contains an error, you can contact the direction of the publication.

    Intellectual property rights

    The C.H.A.M. website and each of its elements, including texts, images, photographs, illustrations, sounds, music, are, unless otherwise stated, the exclusive property of C.H.A.M. Likewise, C.H.A.M. is the exclusive owner of the domain names its operates.
    Consequently, in application of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction, in whole or in part, of the site or any of the elements composing it, is prohibited.


    The hyperlinks set up within the framework of the website of C.H.A.M. towards other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the liability of C.H.A.M.
    C.H.A.M. does not make any commitment concerning these other websites to which the user could have access via the website in particular with regard to the content, operation, access and use of their personal data by them.

    Personal data management

    The personal data management policy of the website can be consulted at any time by clicking on the “privacy policy” tab of the website.
    For any question relating to the management of his personal data, the user can contact the person responsible for personal data of C.H.A.M. at the address of the headquarters of C.H.A.M. or by email at dpo [a] canalcham.fr